Thursday, July 11, 2013

A week of fixing

(This was not a good week for Instagram. In general, I try to upload about a picture a day or so to get myself in the mindset of actually documenting what's going on in my life. At some point I'd like to print a whole bunch of my Instagram photos and put them on the wall somewhere in the house. We'll see if that ever happens.)

As you may remember from my last , Nicolette was here last weekend until Tuesday. (The picture above was taken on the Monday, excuse my crazy face. It may have been taken shortly after I got my university results.) We didn't do much after our eventful weekend, apart from taking a walk and watching movies and stuff. It was nice! On Tuesday we had a slightly tearful goodbye and then I arrived home to find Steve's dad eager to start doing some work on our house. The next three days are a blur of painting, sanding and more painting. If you're interested, our front door used to look like . The garden is also in a slightly better state than before but it's not ready for the internet quite yet. I spent most of the time painting our fence which is possibly the worst activity in the world.

On Friday the weather turned bad and so we haven't been able to do any work on the house over the weekend at all. On Friday I made cookies. We spent our Saturday night babysitting Steve's niece and nephew (and we also watched Ghost in the Shell. I'm not sure if I liked it or not.) Today we went to IKEA and bought a couple of small things for the garden. Isn't it strange how when you have a gift card for a certain amount, you're reluctant to buy things? I've also spent an unnatural amount of time playing Final Fantasy after I found the missing cables for Steve's Playstation 2. Life is good.
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